Quiz -MCQ-1-Class-10-Science-1-Chapter-1-Gravitation-MSBSHSE

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Quiz Start  : 22/12/2024 8:47 am

Select the correct options (1 Mark for each correct option)
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Select Correct Option (1 Mark each)

Q. The ratio gearth / gmoon is equal to ……….



True or False (1 Mark)

Q. At the centre of the earth, the value of the acceleration due to gravity becomes zero. 



Select Correct Option (1 Mark)

Q. The SI unit of the universal constant of gravitation is ……….



Select Correct Option (1 Mark)

Q. Due to the …….. force, the earth attracts all objects towards it.



True or False (1 Mark)

Q. If the separation between two particles is doubled, the gravitational force between the particles becomes half the initial force.



Select Correct Option (1 Mark)

Q. Outside the earth, the weight of a body varies as



True or False (1 Mark)

Q. Weight is a vector quantity.



Select Correct Option (1 Mark)

Q. If the earth shrinks to half of its radius, its mass remaining the same, the weight of an object on the earth will become ……… times.


9. Select Correct Option (1 Mark)

Q. The weight of a body is ……… at the poles.



True or False (1 Mark)

Q. g has maximum value at the equator.



True or False (1 Mark)

Q. The weight of a body is minimum at the poles.



True or False (1 Mark)

Q. The CGS unit of the universal constant of gravitation is the dyne-cm2/gram2.



True or False (1 Mark)

Q. Mass is a vector quantity.



Select Correct Option (1 Mark)

Q. The gravitational force between two particles separated by a distance r varies as……….



Select Correct Option (1 Mark)

Q. According to Kepler’s first law, the orbit of a planet is ……… with the Sun at one of the ……….



True or False (1 Mark)

Q. Outside the earth, g varies as 1/(R + h)2.



Select Correct Option (1 Mark)

Q. According to Kepler’s second law, the line joining the planet and the Sun ……… in equal intervals of time.



Select Correct Option (1 Mark)

Q. According to Kepler’s third law T2 ∝ rn, where n =……………..



Select Correct Option (1 Mark)

Q. In the usual notation, the acceleration due to gravity at a height A from the surface of the earth is ……….



Select Correct Option (1 Mark)

Q. The acceleration due to gravity does not depend on the ……… of the body.



Select Correct Option (1 Mark)

Q. The CGS unit of weight is the ……….



Select Correct Option (1 Mark)

Q. The escape velocity of a body from the earth’s surface vesc =



Select Correct Option (1 Mark)

Q. The value of the acceleration due to gravity ………….. as we move from the equator to a pole.



True or False (1 Mark)

Q. The value of G changes from place to place.



Select Correct Option (1 Mark)

Q. The SI unit of weight is the ……….


25 Mark Test


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  1. मोरवी


  2. It was a good exam

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